北京酷儿影展关于俄罗斯Side by Side LGBT影展遭受政府罚款的声明



北京酷儿影展近期收到俄罗斯的同仁Side by Side LGBT影展来信,他们因违反“外国代理人”相关法案,遭受政府高达12500欧元的罚款。我们对此表示震惊和关注。


2012年,北京酷儿影展组委会成员,也是影展创始人之一杨洋,携纪录片《我们的故事》前往圣彼得堡参加Side by Side LGBT影展。这部讲述北京酷儿影展十年历史的纪录片,让俄罗斯观众了解了我们在北京的困难与努力。近期我们一直关于俄罗斯国内恐同势力升级的现象,普京政府出台的“反同性恋宣传”、“外国代理人”等针对LGBT、NGO的相关法律也让我们感到担心。但没想到一个美好多元的LGBT影展竟然受到这样的惩罚,这与全球同志权益进步的方向背道而驰。除了该影展以外,圣彼得堡40多家NGO都受到相关骚扰和检查,普京政府对于人权的侵害值得我们警惕。据悉目前影展负责人正在紧急筹措资金用于支付罚款,相关链接:http://www.bok-o-bok.ru/participate.asp?lan=1&pid=20 


北京酷儿影展组委会刚于今年六月份低调举办了第六届影展:https://www.bjqff.com/?p=777 影展一直遭受警察监控和骚扰,对于公权力的压迫我们深有体会。我们认为,民间组织的相关权利,应该受到法律保护;LGBT人群是社会多元的一部分;电影节作为言论自由的重要平台,不应受到政府控制。我们呼吁俄罗政府取消相关恐同、霸权法案,取消对于Side by Side的罚款!期待国际社会层面更多关注,保护言论自由,保护LGBT人群和NGO应有的权利!





Statement of the Beijing Queer Film Festival concerning the fine imposed on Russia’s “Side by Side LGBT International Film Festival”


The Beijing Queer Film Festival (BJQFF) recently received a letter from its Russian film festival colleague and friend, the “Side by Side LGBT International Film Festival”.  The organization was found guilty of violating the “Foreign Agent’s Law”, and was fined 12.500 Euros.  Shocked by this news, we are very concerned about the faith and future of our friends in Russia.


Yang Yang, member of the organizing committee and co-founder of the Beijing Queer Film Festival, went to St. Petersburg in 2012 and participated in the Side by Side Festival with her documentary “Our Story: 10-year Guerrilla Warfare of Beijing Queer Film Festival”.  The film traces the 10-year history of the BJQFF, and introduced the Russian audience to the difficulties experienced by queer film festival organizers in China.


Together with the rest of the world, we are stunned and appalled by the homophobic tendencies displayed by the Russian government during recent times, and we anxiously observe the implementation of Putin’s “Gay Propaganda Law” and “Foreign Agents’ Law”, which directly target NGOs and LGBT communities.  More than 40 NGOs in St. Petersburg were harassed and investigated under the “Foreign Agents’ Law”.  We were heartbroken to hear that the beautiful and diverse Side by Side Festival was fined for its activities, and consider it a setback for the global LGBT movement.  It calls upon us all to be on guard against the violation of human rights conducted under the Putin Government.

At present, the Side by Side organizers are raising emergency funds to help cover their legal representation as well as the fine.  You can find more info at http://www.bok-o-bok.ru/participate.asp?lan=1&pid=20


The Beijing Queer Film Festival just finished its sixth edition, during which it avoided government interference by resorting to guerrilla tactics.  You can find more about the sixth BJQFF edition at https://www.bjqff.com/?p=777

Since its start in 2001, our festival has been continuously harassed by the police.  As BJQFF organizers, we are definitely no stranger to government oppression.  We feel that the rights of civil society organizations should be protected by the law, that LGBT communities form an essential part of a diverse society, and that film festivals shouldn’t be controlled by the government as they form an important platform in exercising freedom of speech.  We call on the Russian government to abolish institutionalized homophobia, to abolish hegemonic laws, and to abolish the fine imposed on the Side by Side Festival!  At the same time, we call upon the international community as a whole to continue and increase their efforts regarding the safeguarding of freedom of speech, and the safeguarding and protection of the proper rights of LGBT communities and NGOs around the world!


The Sixth Beijing Queer Film Festival Organizing Committee

06 August 2013