第五届北京酷儿影展放映日程表 5th Beijing Queer Film Festival Schedule


所有非普通话对白影片均配有中文字幕All non-Chinese dialogue films are subtitled in Chinese
[EDSC] 英语对白/中文字幕 English dialogue/subtitled in Chinese
[CDES] 中文对白/英文字幕 Chinese dialogues/subtitled in English
[SCE] 中英文字幕 subtitled in Chinese/English
[CD] 普通话对白/无字幕 Chinese dialogues/no subtitle

[Q&A] 导演到场交流 Filmmaker will be present after the screening



星期三 Wednesday 15/06

18:30开幕酒会 Opening Drink
19:30开幕片 Opening Films:
T婆工厂Lesbian Factory  2008  50mins陈素香Susan Chen [EDSC]  [Q&A]
本片记录了从菲律宾来台工作的七对女同伴侣参与劳工集体抗争,在具有歧视性的台湾移工政策下不得不面临分离的过程。The film records seven lesbian couples workers coming from the Philippines to Taiwan who participated in a collective labor protest, but finally had to face the separation under the discriminatory policies for migrant workers in Taiwan
无言花Tiramisu 2011年  47 mins  韩尘 Han Chen [CDES]  [Q&A]
浮华都市里,若即若离的三个人,爱与性,情与怨。Dazzling city, strained relationship, love and sex, affection and resentment.
星期四 Thursday 16/06

11:00她“他”She“He” 2011  64 mins 晓无 Xiaowu [CD]
卡卡的女朋友与异性结婚而离开了她,这时她遇上了小乐,这次她能否抓住真爱?Kaka’s girl friend leaves her and gets marriage. She meets with Xiaole after that, will she get the true love this time?


13:00 彩虹上海  Shanghai Rainbow  2010  59 mins  韩尘 Han Chen [CDES]  [Q&A]
以一位老外艾滋义工为线索,探寻彩虹上海的别样精彩。Exploring rainbow shanghai with a foreign AIDS volunteer.


15:00 “有朋自友邦来”- 孟买酷儿影展精选Queers From Diverse Cultures – Mumbai Queer Film Festival
粉镜Pink Mirrors 40mins 2003 [SCE]
染色体XXWHY48mins 2008[EDSC]
我心飞翔Flying inside my body 36mins 2008 [EDSC]
说出来这不是我的错Speak up It’s not my fault 26mins 2010 [SCE]
4部曾经在2010年孟买酷儿电影节上中展映过的印度酷儿短片,以期展现印度多样化的酷儿经历和当代表达。Four India queer short films which screened in KASHISH 2010 Mumbai Queer Film Festival to show the variety of queer experience and expression in India
[Q&A] :Sridhar Rangaihn (孟买酷儿影展策展人)


18:30母国Motherland 90mins Doris Yeung [EDSC]  [Q&A]
《母国》审视了移民家庭由于所谓的美国梦而带来的破裂。MOTHERLAND examines the destruction of an immigrant family because of the so-called American Dream.


20:30“海外国族” – 华裔酷儿漂浪之短片集锦”
Overseas Nation – Chinese Queer Diaspora Shorts program, total duration: 93mins
[Q&A] : 客座策展人-Doris Yeung(阿姆斯特丹亚洲影展)guest curator – Doris Yeung(CinemAsia Film Festival Amsterdam)
短片精选展示了世界各地华裔酷儿电影制作者的历史与多样性。A selection of short films showcasing the history and diversity of queer filmmakers of Chinese descent from all over the world.


星期五 Friday 17/06

11:00 姑奶奶 Madame  2010 120 mins 邱炯炯Qiu Jiongjiong [SCE]  [Q&A]
In the wavering light, drag queen sang an old song and told a past story.


14:30流浪爱人 Vagabond Love 70mins 杨奇军 Yang Qijun [Q&A]  [SCE]
来自四川的学生毕业作品,流浪的孩子,青春的悸动。Graduation film of a student from Sichuan. Vagabond child, youthful flutter.


导演主页-芭芭拉•汉默(美国)Filmmakers’ Profile – Barbara Hammer(USA) [Q&A]
柔情告白Tender Fictions 1995 58mins [EDSC]
芭芭拉汉默没有等待别人,而是自己构思了自传,这是她1992年的获奖作品《硝酸盐之吻》的后后现代续篇。Barbara Hammer constructs an autobiography before someone does it for her in this post-post-modern sequel to her 1992 award-winning documentary Nitrate Kisses.
马非隐喻Horse as a metaphor 2009 30mins  [EDSC]
在与卵巢癌斗争的同时,拍摄者再次回归她的本源——纪录片与实验性,用光线与运动的影像将化疗过程记录在一部多层次电影中,记录了她远离病床的过程。The filmmaker, fighting ovarian cancer, returns to her documentary and experimental roots, in a multilayered film of chemotherapy sessions with images of light and movement that take her far from the hospital bed.
北京酷儿影展十年回顾Beijing Queer Film Festival Retrospective

Documentary: Our Story – a tribute to Beijing Queer Film Festival 2011 60mins
由历届组委会自行拍摄记录的北京酷儿影展十年来的风风雨雨。A story of Beijing Queer Film Festival since 10 years shot and recorded by each year’s organization committee.
Panel discussion: Construction of Queer film festival in Asia
Attendants: a number of queer film programmers from Hong Kong, Taiwan and oversea countries, as well as representatives from Beijing Queer Film Festival.


星期六Saturday 18/06

11:00导演主页-钟德胜(香港)Filmmakers’ Profile – Simon Chung (Hong Kong)
心灰First Love and Other Pains 1999 50mins [Q&A]
由小说《莫瑞斯》引发的一段师生恋。Love between a student and his teacher, cause by E.M.Foster’s novel Maurice.
让我们靠近一点 Always My Child 2011 24mins 洪荣杰 Kit Hung [SCE]
来自香港的三个家庭,讲述出柜与亲情,靠近一点更温暖。They are from three Hong Kong families. Talk about come out and family bond. It’s warmer when we are closer.


一定要爱你 Vexed 13mins 2009 赖锦坤 Lai Jinkun
当他向她求婚的时候,她却告诉他一个埋藏已久的秘密……She told him a deep secret when he proposed to her.
暗瞳  My Eyes Dimmed Again 2010年 30 mins 张若溪 Zhang Ruoxi [CDES]  [Q&A]
一个女孩打破世俗,发现自我,追求真爱的过程。Regardless of tradition, the girl went for a self-discovered and love pursuit journey.
石斑  The Lithosporic 2010 30 mins 曹阳 Cao Yang [CDES]  [Q&A]
一个女跨男跨性别,回到家乡,誓要寻回自己的爱。Story about a female to male transgender, who come back for her first love, in the name of manhood.
沙哑的春天 Raspy Spring 2011 8mins 管盛盛 Guan Shengsheng [Q&A]  [SCE]
Caochangdi in spring. B visits A, the owner of a small store. They dance. B shares a small joke with A. Life happens.
爱回温 3 L Affairs 2011 24mins 彭陌勰 Moxie Peng [Q&A]  [SCE]
一段具有悬疑色彩的浪漫爱情故事。A romantic love story with suspense.


16:00只爱陌生人 Innocent 2005 80mins钟德胜 Simon Chung [Q&A]  [SCE]
男孩跟着家人移居加拿大, 青春萌动的爱恋难以抑制……A boy emigrated to Canada with his family. He can’t restrain his youthful love.


18:30 导演主页-陈俊志(台湾)Filmmaker’s Profile – Mickey Chen(Taiwan)
美丽少年Boys for beauty 1999 63mins [SCE]
在儒家文化主导的中国社会下三名大男孩的赤裸同性爱(有爱也有性)经验,大胆、狼死、无遮无掩。A frank and entertaining portrait of three gay teenagers and their family relations in Confucian Chinese society.


20:30 翁云青作品回顾展映“我的加拿大中国男友”  61 mins [EDSC]  [Q&A]
Wayne Yung retrospective: “My Chinese Canadian Boyfriend”
旅居柏林的加拿大籍华人艺术家从一个中国加拿大酷儿的视角、以影像的形式来探索种族与身份的问题。As a Canadian born Chinese video artist, Wayne Yung has explored issues of race and identity from a queer Chinese-Canadian perspective.


星期日 Sunday 19/06

11:00 Gay那话 All about Gay Sex 2010 125mins 周鸣 Zhou Ming [Q&A]
关于男同性恋的性爱,各种劲爆话题。Various exciting topic about gay sex.


14:00 舞娘 Be A Woman  2011 84 mins 范坡坡 FanPopo [CDES]  [Q&A] :松子/子淇
在西南一隅的南宁市,有着全国最大的反串演出团体。演员们都有着自己精彩的人生故事。The life stories of members of the biggest drag queen performance troupe in China.


16:30 导演主页-陈俊志(台湾):Filmmakers’ Profile –Mickey Chen (Taiwan)
无偶之家,往事之城Scars on memory  2005 54mins [SCE]
导演花5年时间以真实的笔触刻画出台湾族群历史中鲜少被关注的老年同志的生命处境。Continuing his thematic focus on constructing generational perception and visibility of Taiwanese gay population, this time Mickey Chen brings on two fabulous and vivid ‘gay senior citizens’.


19:00 闭幕酒会+闭幕式 Closing Drink
19:30 闭幕影片Closing Film: 花为眉  Bad Romance 2011 85mins 张凡夕Zhang Fanxi [CDES]  [Q&A]
同性恋、异性恋、双性恋,三段式的爱情故事。Homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual. Love story trilogy.





星期六 Saturday 18/06


18:00 导演主页-芭芭拉汉默Filmmakers’ Profile – Barbara Hammer [Q&A]
-历史课History Lessons 2000 70mins [EDSC]
芭芭拉汉默通过展示一系列非凡的影像档案对女同性恋历史进行了追踪,再对它们进行了恶搞,使它看起来让人感觉女同性恋无处不在。Barbara Hammer traces lesbian history by presenting an extraordinary array of archival footage—and then playfully manipulates it to make it seem as though lesbians were everywhere
-世代Generation 2010 30mins [EDSC]
这是一个片长30分钟的16毫米电影,关于指导与关于个人实验电影惯例指导与传授。Generations is a 30-minute16mm experimental documentary film about mentoring and passing on the tradition of personal experimental filmmaking.

特别派对Special Party
星期四 Thursday 16/06 21:30-凌晨
地点:后海拉拉驿站酒吧 Houhaiyizhan Bar
星期五 Friday 17/06 21:30-凌晨
地点:ALFA Bar
星期六 Saturday 18/06 21:30-凌晨
地点:享吧 Share Cafe&Bar
更多信息 Further information:www.bjqff.com
票务预订Ticket reservation: info@www.bjqff.com