导演:Sushmit Ghosh, Rintu Thomas, Sumit Sharma & Ajeeta Chowhan
电影探寻身体外形如何成为有力肢体语言,来表达对社会规范传统的异议。摄影老手Sunil Gupta无畏地公开表示他是同性恋并且是艾滋病感染者。他用他的艺术去挑战定义个人身体、性别和身份的刻板印象。Gupta用超过20年的时间,编制了第一个印度同志社群的影像编年史,并探索了他自己与原生国家的关系。电影的抒情诗风格配以动静相映的画面与文字,表达了旁白中对我们自身根深蒂固的偏见的质疑。
Directors: Sushmit Ghosh, Rintu Thomas, Sumit Sharma & Ajeeta Chowhan
India / 2008 / 36 min / Documentary
A film that explores how the form of the body can become a powerful physical language to express dissent over societal norms and conventions. It profiles veteran photographer Sunil Gupta, who has fearlessly announced that he is gay and HIV positive. and has used his art to challenge the stereotypes that define one’s body, sexuality and identity. Gupta has spent over 20 years compiling the first photographic chronicle of the gay community in India, while at the same time, exploring his own relationship with his country of origin. The film’s lyrical style marries still photography with moving images and text, to unfold an intensely personal narrative that questions the deeply engrained prejudices that we all carry within ourselves.
KASHISH Winner: Special Jury Award |