票务 Ticket Information



① 发邮件至info@www.bjqff.com,说明您想要预定看的场次、人数。请注意:对于每一场放映每人最多可预定2人。
② 在座位允许的情况下我们的工作人员会发给您一封确认邮件,以及观影的场地交通 信息。
③ 请您把确认邮件打印、随身携带,并提前半小时到达放映场地换取电影票。
④ 如果您在预定时被告知该场次已被定完,您可以在影片开始前来到放映地点等待, 如果有预定了座位但没有到场的多余座位则可按排队顺序进场。
⑤ 详情请来电咨询:010-84042168


1.  Because of limited seating space, you need to book a seat in advance for all film screenings of the 5th Beijing Queer Film Festival.

Here’s how you book your seat:

a. Send an email to info@www.bjqff.com specifying which film screening you want to attend, and how many seats you want to book. Note that you can book a maximum of 2 seats for every film screening you want to attend.

b. If there are still seats available for the film screening you wish to attend, our staff will send you a confirmation email, specifying address of the venue and directions to the venue.

c. Make sure you’re at the screening venue half an hour before the screening starts. Print out the confirmation email and take it with you – at the screening venue you can exchange it for a ticket.

d. If you are informed that there are no seats available anymore for the film screening you wish to attend, you can still come to the screening venue before the start of the film. You will be put on a waiting list. If there are people who made a successful booking that don’t show up at the screening, people on the waiting list will be allowed to enter according to the waiting list order.
e. For detailed information, please call 010-84042168.




2. At Venue I and II of the Fifth Beijing Queer Film Festival, there’s a “Ticket Obligatory, Contribution Voluntary” policy. After you go through the booking process, you still need to exchange your booking for a ticket to see the film, but you can choose which type of ticket you buy. There are 5 types of tickets: 0 RMB, 10 RMB, 20 RMB, 50 RMB, 100 RMB. All proceeds of the entry tickets go straight to the organization of the 5th and the 6th Beijing Queer Film Festival.

The Beijing Queer Film Festival Organization Committee thanks you for your contribution and support!