伤花 Gender Game


伤花Gender Game
片长(Length):30 mins
完成时间(Year): 2006年
编剧(Screenplay):栀子白Zhi Zibai
导演(Director):栀子白Zhi Zibai
主演(Actor):天使Tian Shi 盐汽水Yan Qishui
制片人(Producer):栀子白Zhi Zibai
Zhi Zibai/ Zhuoquan Wen Culture Development Co., Ltd.
录音(Sound):栀子白Zhi Zibai
剪辑(Editing):栀子白Zhi Zibai
制作机构(Production Company):美好同盟/卓泉文化发展有限公司
Glorious Alliance/ Zhuoquan Wen Culture Development Co., Ltd.


You are only 0.01 centimeter away from her. You know nothing about her.

Angel came to Shanghai for her dream one year ago.living in a strange city, Angel wanted a relationship to comfort her lonely. But with the continuous pressure from society and family, the complicated love led her to lost…





Bio-filmography of Director:
Zhizibai, 80’s. Independent film producer. Visual graphic designer.I made a DV documentary <Gender Game> in 2006, which was invited to 2007 REEL CHlNA Documentary Biennial. <Gender Game> was shown in several cities, like Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou. It now was preserved by NYC.These years, I focus on creative and design work. The lifestyle of those female artists is the theme of my creation.

《伤花》的英文名为Gender Game,即社会性别游戏。作者籍由女同性恋中的TP角色划分来反观当时社会文化对人们性别意识的压力和影响,该片以女性特有的细腻和感性观照中国当代社会。

Director’s Statement:
The producer of Gender Game wanted to contemplation of social culture pressure on sexual awareness via T/P role in lesbian.

The production of Gender Game lasted 1 year. All that people involved in the film had a self-analysis journey.

Gender Game is the first episode of Women series produced by ‘beauty union’ studio. ‘beauty union’ studio focus on women status, women independence and liberty.