湿乐园 WET

导演:Benjamin Mullinkosson
主演:Yihao、647、Darkle、Kimberly、Gennady Baranov
制片人:叶先开、Anita Gou、Sam Intili
摄影:费艳秋、Gennady Baranov
制片公司:Florence、Wavelength、Kindred Spirit

Director: SKY CAI
Screenwriter: ENEMA STONE
Producer: SKY CAI
Cinematographer: SKY CAI
Genre: MV
Length: 3min49s
Year: 2022
Dialogue: Mandarin Chinese, English
Region: China
Production Company: Wave Creative/MedusaRealness

故事梗概 Synopsis

“Wet”能让观众更直面、更细节、更下流、更放荡且更极致地看到不一样的中国变装。这首歌不光是来自Enema的自我宣言,也是一份让观众更了解中国变装的顽皮礼物。这是一部关于欲望的作品。“Wet”是Rafael心中的那个“她”所创作的作品。这部作品诉说了Enema心中的欲望和那些能让她兴奋(并“性”奋)起来的一切,包括他/她对烹饪、摇滚、名、利、欲、性、音乐、变装等的神往与幻想。MV中一共出现了超过7个不同的造型,包括热爱烹饪的家庭主妇(这个造型的灵感也来自于Freddie Mercury的I Want To Break Free)、爱玩亚文化的小妞、追求名牌的贵妇、被名利迷惑的女明星、沉迷肉体的欲姐、躲在厕所寻求刺激的时尚佳丽与代表了大陆设计前沿的极致美艳纯粹坎普的最佳变装造型(best drag look)。

WET allows the audience to see a different Chinese drag in a more direct, detailed, obscene, debauched and extreme way. This song is not only a self-declaration from Enema, but also a playful gift to let the audience know more about drag in China. This is a work about desire. Wet is a work created by the “her” inside Rafael. This work tells the story of Enema’s inner desires and everything that excites (and sexually arouses) her, including his/her fascination and reverie with cooking, rock, fame, wealth, lust, sex, music, drag, etc. There are more than 7 different looks in the MV, including a housewife who loves cooking (this look is also inspired by Freddie Mercury’s I Want To Break Free), a chick who is fond of subculture, a lady who pursues famous brands, a female celebrity who is deluded by fame and wealth, the lustful woman who is addicted to physical intimacy, the fashion beauty who hides in the toilet to seek excitement, and the best drag look that represents the ultimate beauty and pure camp style of the forefront of Chinese mainland designing.

导演介绍 Director’s Biography

Sky Cai是国内知名的酷儿KOL、国内最具代表性的酷儿厂牌MEDUSA的创办人之一、酷儿设计工作室WAVE的主理人。从7年前与Medusa一同置身于国内酷儿文化场景中,加上超过10年商业市场创意工作经历造就了Sky不一样的视觉表达方式。

Sky Cai is one of the organizers and co-founders of MEDUSA; Shanghai’s queerest-glitter soaked party and record label. He is also an online drag influencers, and partner in Shanghai’s queer design and creative studio WAVE. After working in the creative industry for a decade, WET is Sky’s much overdue directorial debut. Combining Sky’s 10 years creative working experience in commercial market and 7 years soaked in Chinese queer community leads to the unique visual expression of Sky today.

导演阐述 Director’s Statement

WET是一个基于Sky多年来对于食物、酷儿文化、变装文化及地下场景多年积累下的综合产物。WET有很多很直接、露骨的表达(歌词、画面)也是对MEDUSA本身理念的一种阐述,而其中很多通过食物Food porn、动作或是道具来展现的性暗示则是来自Sky和Enema的专业植入了。

WET is a comprehensive product based on Sky’s years of experience in food, queer culture, drag culture and underground scenes. WET has many direct and explicit expressions (lyrics, images) that are also an elaboration of MEDUSA’s own philosophy, and many of the sexual hints displayed through food porn, actions or props are professionally planted by Sky and Enema.