一日情人 Big Little Things


Director: Michelle ZHOU
Screenwriter: Michelle ZHOU, Chun YU
Cast: Chun YU, Li Xu, Xiangrong Dong, Wanlushan Zhao, Qingzhen Gao
Producer: Wei Zuo, Chunwei Xie, Tao Li, Yanxu Chen, Jeff Li, Longfeng Guo, Xiao Yang
Cinematographer: Shuxuan Mei
Genre: Featured short film
Length: 15min
Year: 2023
Dialogue: Mandarin Chinese, English
Region: China
Production Company: Zhou Tong (Shanghai) Films Co.

故事梗概 Synopsis


On New Year’s Eve, after Lei Xiao successfully brought her seemingly perfect boyfriend back to her parents’ home, she didn’t gain her parents’ trust. She remained constantly nervous about her temporary partner’s behavior while observing the reactions of her parents and neighbors in her hometown. Behind the apparent joy of the whole family, a larger lie was concealed.

导演介绍 Director’s Biography

周彤,Michelle Zhou,赴美学习电影制作以及编剧,拍摄多部广告、纪录片,她的短片作品《礼物》Celebration is a Celebration is a Celebration is a Celebration,《鱼眼》Fish Eye入围且获奖国内外多个电影节,其中包括第十四届北京大学生电影节最佳导演奖。Screamfest Film Festival、46th USA Film Festival最佳影片等。2019年获得HBO Asia和香港公司梦造者Infinitus Films认可,代表中国大陆地区参与了原创单元剧《新女性》HER OWN CHOICE的创作。《新女性》由亚洲六个国家作品共同组成,主题聚焦当代亚洲女性独立且总长度为六小时的剧集。作为导演编剧的长片电影《雪之下》Under the Snow,入围2020圣丹斯电影节电影节剧本实验室。2021参加上海国际电影节导演训练营,2021年入围第七届青葱计划20强,2022年底作为执行导演参与拍摄腾讯网剧《猎冰》,合作演员张颂文、姚安娜,总导演高群书。2022年中拍摄短片《一日情人》,同名长片已经完成剧本,正在筹备中。

Michelle Zhou has pursued her career as a filmmaker in the United States since 2011. She has directed multiple commercials, narrative short films and documentaries. Her short films “礼物” Celebration is a Celebration is a Celebration is a Celebration and “鱼眼” Fish Eye have been nominated for and won awards at various domestic and international film festivals, including the Best Director award at the 14th Beijing Student Film Festival, as well as recognition at the Screamfest Film Festival and the 46th USA Film Festival. In 2019, she gained recognition from HBO Asia and Hong Kong’s Infinitus Films and represented mainland China in the creation of the original series “新女性” HER OWN CHOICE. It is a collaborative project involving works from six Asian countries, focusing on contemporary independent Asian women with a total runtime of six hours. As the director and screenwriter of the feature film “雪之下” Under the Snow, Michelle Zhou’s works had been selected for the 2020 Sundance Film Festival Screenwriters’ Lab. In 2021, she participated in the Shanghai International Film Festival Director’s Training Camp and was one of the top 20 finalists in the 7th CFDG program. At the end of 2022, she worked as the first assistant director in the shooting of the Tencent web series “猎冰” aka Hunting Ice (working title), collaborating with actors Zhang Songwen and Yao Anna, under the supervision of director Gao Qunshu. In mid-2022, she filmed the short film BIG LITTLE THINGS, and a feature with the same entitled screenplay has already completed. It is in the pre-production stage.

导演阐述 Director’s Statement




Returning home for the Lunar New Year is a routine that is often considered a “must” for the majority. Bringing back a pretend boyfriend to ease her parents’ worries is a bold act of deception. Lei wishes to avoid conflict, but can such an elaborate plan really yield the desired results? Communication was built on falsehoods, and deception became the reality. Ironically, in the process of cleaning up her mess, this young lady couldn’t even pinpoint a source of blame.

Lei’s generation has more diverse life possibilities when facing the world nowadays. However, it’s still tough for her parents’ generation, primarily born in the 1960s, to imagine and reach these points. This is a generational issue raised by economic development and internet applications, and the uniqueness of our social culture makes generational relationships more tense, as it involves clashes between individual consciousness and collective (family) consciousness.

What caused the lie? After a lie, facing the truth requires tremendous courage and faith. If such a thing were to happen to me, what would I do?