美美 Meimei

美美 Meimei





摄影:高天 曲江涛

剪辑:高天 宋体涛




美美是北京的一名反串演员,,在2004年他终于找到了自己喜爱并且能接受他的男人,他们举行了公开的隆重的婚礼。 美美对自己这次婚姻充满了信心。他的朋友们为他举办了“美美告别同志舞台演唱会”,他用演唱会的方式告别了北京的朋友,放弃了在北京稳定的生活,准备到上海,一个新的城市,用新的生活方式开始自己新的生活。但事与愿违,短暂的婚姻生活并不快乐,他很快又回到了北京。重新回来后的尴尬,使他陷入了困境……










Producer: Zhao Hui

Director: GaoTian

Photographer: Gao Tain, Qu Jiangtao

Editor: Gao Tian, Song Titao




Meimei is a dragqueen in Beijing China. In 2004 he found a man of his love who also accepts Meimei as is. They held a public ceremonious wedding. Meimei is filled with confidence for this marriage. His friends held a “Meimei Farewell Concert” for the gay community. Along with the farewell concert, Meimei also gave up the stability of a life in Beijing attained as a result of many years of hard work. He prepared to go to Shanghai, a new city, to begin a new way of life. But things did not turn out to be as planned, as the brief marriage was not happy at all. He came back to Beijing soon, embarrassed to see old friends while falling into worse financial strait than ever before.




I came to know Meimei as a kind-hearted individual whose pure devotion and sincere thirst for love always lead to emotional wounds with every relationship .

During the filmmaking, Meimei and I evolved from curious stranger initially to brothers-like friends. I also came to un­derstand transvestite males as a group who from childhood on desire to be girls deep inside. Due to various pressure from life, discrimination from family and friends and an unwillingness to sacrifice their ca­reer and the ability to make a living, most of them can only release their desires deep within through cross-dressing perform­ances. They hope to initiate their own lives with a new identity but also recognize the inherent difficulties and problems. I hope that through this film more people will come to feel their deep pain as my team and I have, so as to understand and ac­cept them as who they are, and accept such lifestyle as is. We also most sincerely hope that through our film, this group of individuals also obtains the kind of support needed to build a new life.