发现自我之旅-拉拉视频精选集Lala Digital Storytelling Workshops – Selected Shorts
片长(Length):30 mins
字幕(Subtitles):中文Chinese 英文English 中英Chinese English
完成时间(Year): 2011
项目发起人(Project Founder):黄阿娜Ana Huang
培训员(Traners):黄阿娜Ana Huang 猱猱Naonao 灰烬Ash Wang 齐羽Qi Yu 范坡坡Fan Pop 等etc.
导演(Director):齐羽Qi Yu 阳光Sunshine 灰烬Ash Wang 绵绵Mian Mian 石大头Shi Datou 等etc.
制作机构(Production Company):发现自我之旅-拉拉视频工作坊, 酷儿影像小组-彩虹村民计划
Lala Digital Storytelling Workshops, China Queer Independent Films – the Rainbow Village Project
来自近60个同志原创作品的精选集,有深沉珍贵的分手纪念, 细腻浪漫的爱情色彩,朴实安静的单身独白,潇洒摇滚风的酷儿宣言……各种同志视角,都是一个人赤裸裸的心声,一段无法忘却的经历,勇敢的在大屏幕上宣告幸福,原谅过去,挑战你的共鸣。
Selected shorts from a collection of 60 original videos made by LGBT people. Stories range from soulful reflections on broken hearts, to youthful proclamations of queer identity, from the quiet affirmation of single life, to moving memories of first love… They showcase the diversity of queer perspectives, as each filmmaker opens up her life and bravely shares an unforgettable experience on the big screen. Through their unfeigned voices, the past is forgiven, the future is celebrated, and your honesty is absolutely demanded.
“As long as you stand in the sunlight, you will have a shadow.”
“Back then, we said we weren’t gay… we’d laugh and imagine who we’d fall in love with when we got older, but we didn’t dare to admit that what we already had then was love.”
“And when I can’t keep going anymore, I’ll go to a lesbian nursing home. There I will spend my days watching the sky, reminiscing about the past.”
“These female horses are characterized by the white or pale saddles tied inside white uniforms… only a whip is needed to ride any of them. Somehow they are fooled into wearing them.”
Bio-filmography of Director:
Ana Huang graduated from Harvard College with a major in Women’s Studies. She established the Lala Digital Storytelling Workshops in 2010, hoping to create a space for the Chinese lala community to tell their stories and find empowerment through the innovative use of new media. She also serves on the executive committee of the Chinese Lala Alliance.
Director’s Statement:
Lala Digital Storytelling Workshops is a community-based, non-profit organization that seeks to empower LGBT people in China through media skills and personal expression. Through intensive 3-day workshops, each participant creates a short video of their personal experiences using voiceover, music, and photos. The workshops provide technical instruction and an encouraging group environment where participants can express their stories creatively. The storytelling and production process serve as a therapeutic and rewarding experience for participants, while the videos produced bring authentic portrayals of marginalized lives to the public. Almost 60 videos have been created to date, forming a rich collection of Chinese LGBT oral history.
联系方式Contact Information:
发现自我之旅-拉拉视频精选集Lala Digital Storytelling Workshops – Selected Shorts
片长(Length):30 mins
字幕(Subtitles):中文Chinese 英文English 中英Chinese English
完成时间(Year): 2011
项目发起人(Project Founder):黄阿娜Ana Huang
培训员(Traners):黄阿娜Ana Huang 猱猱Naonao 灰烬Ash Wang 齐羽Qi Yu 范坡坡Fan Pop 等etc.
导演(Director):齐羽Qi Yu 阳光Sunshine 灰烬Ash Wang 绵绵Mian Mian 石大头Shi Datou 等etc.
制作机构(Production Company):发现自我之旅-拉拉视频工作坊, 酷儿影像小组-彩虹村民计划
Lala Digital Storytelling Workshops, China Queer Independent Films – the Rainbow Village Project
来自近60个同志原创作品的精选集,有深沉珍贵的分手纪念, 细腻浪漫的爱情色彩,朴实安静的单身独白,潇洒摇滚风的酷儿宣言……各种同志视角,都是一个人赤裸裸的心声,一段无法忘却的经历,勇敢的在大屏幕上宣告幸福,原谅过去,挑战你的共鸣。
Selected shorts from a collection of 60 original videos made by LGBT people. Stories range from soulful reflections on broken hearts, to youthful proclamations of queer identity, from the quiet affirmation of single life, to moving memories of first love… They showcase the diversity of queer perspectives, as each filmmaker opens up her life and bravely shares an unforgettable experience on the big screen. Through their unfeigned voices, the past is forgiven, the future is celebrated, and your honesty is absolutely demanded.
“As long as you stand in the sunlight, you will have a shadow.”
“Back then, we said we weren’t gay… we’d laugh and imagine who we’d fall in love with when we got older, but we didn’t dare to admit that what we already had then was love.”
“And when I can’t keep going anymore, I’ll go to a lesbian nursing home. There I will spend my days watching the sky, reminiscing about the past.”
“These female horses are characterized by the white or pale saddles tied inside white uniforms… only a whip is needed to ride any of them. Somehow they are fooled into wearing them.”
Bio-filmography of Director:
Ana Huang graduated from Harvard College with a major in Women’s Studies. She established the Lala Digital Storytelling Workshops in 2010, hoping to create a space for the Chinese lala community to tell their stories and find empowerment through the innovative use of new media. She also serves on the executive committee of the Chinese Lala Alliance.
Director’s Statement:
Lala Digital Storytelling Workshops is a community-based, non-profit organization that seeks to empower LGBT people in China through media skills and personal expression. Through intensive 3-day workshops, each participant creates a short video of their personal experiences using voiceover, music, and photos. The workshops provide technical instruction and an encouraging group environment where participants can express their stories creatively. The storytelling and production process serve as a therapeutic and rewarding experience for participants, while the videos produced bring authentic portrayals of marginalized lives to the public. Almost 60 videos have been created to date, forming a rich collection of Chinese LGBT oral history.