死亡之舞 DIP

对白语言:西班牙语 西班牙语

Director: Luciano Perochena
Screenwriter: Luciano Perochena
Cast: Nía Zambrano (Barbie Brava), Daniel Tolentino, Lía García, Luciano Perochena, Olga Delgado
Producer: Anyi M. Guillen
Cinematographer: Alejandro Beck. E.
Genre: Short film
Length: 6min 53s
Year: 2023
Dialogue: Spanish
Region: Peru
Production Company: LUKITACHINA EIRL

故事梗概 Synopsis


Denisse, a young trans woman, witnesses the murder of a sex worker while finishing a dance rehearsal. The killer, realizing that Denisse has witnessed this, begins to chase her through the streets of Lima to try to kill her as well. Denisse enacts her chase and death through a voguing choreography.

导演介绍 Director’s Biography

卢西亚诺-佩罗切纳出生于 2000 年 1 月 20 日,是一位年轻的秘鲁电影导演、音像制作人和演员。他曾在秘鲁天主教大学(PUCP)学习表演,在利马电影和视觉艺术学院(EPIC)学习电影导演。他曾执导过四部短片,第一部是 2021 年上映的《我愿意》,最近一部是将于 2024 年上映的《死亡之舞》。他还执导了自己的第一部纪录长片《病毒衣柜》,目前正处于后期制作阶段。他的视听作品既有对 LGBTQ+ 群体所受歧视的强烈谴责,也有通过视觉隐喻讲述这些故事的特殊叙事手法。

Born on January 20, 2000, Luciano Perochena is a young Peruvian film director, audiovisual producer and actor. He studied acting at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP) and Film Direction at the School of Cinema and Visual Arts of Lima (EPIC). He has directed four short films, the first being I, DO, released in 2021 and the most recent one being DIP to be released in 2024. He has also directed his first documentary feature film THE VIRAL CLOSET which is in its post-production stage. His audiovisual works are characterized both by having a strong denunciation of the discrimination suffered by the LGBTQ+ population and by handling a particular narrative used to tell these stories through visual metaphors.

导演阐述 Director’s Statement



当我决定拍摄《死亡之舞》时,我非常清楚,即使剧本是我写的,电影也是我导的,但它并不是我的故事,因为这不是我经历过的现实,也不会是我经历的现实,但我确实觉得有必要讲述这个故事,让人们看到它;我得到了一群出色的演员和工作人员的帮助,他们之中大部分都属于LGBTQ+ 群体。


Two years ago I woke up to some messages in my phone telling me that my friend was found unconscious out of town, she had been beaten, robbed and drugged. The motive of the assault… being a trans woman. Luckily my friend was alive, however sadly that’s not the case for the majority. I wrote “DIP” with the fear that one day I could lose my trans friends and with the guilt of not being a better friend and failing to protect them.

In February of this year (2023) six trans women were killed, and our government did nothing. We live in a world where LGBTQ+ populations are in danger all the time, and trans women are the most vulnerable and the ones with less rights.

When I decided to film DIP I was very aware that even if I wrote the script and I directed the film; DIP wasn’t my story, that is not a reality I’ve lived nor I will, however I did felt the need to tell, to make this visible; and I counted with the help of a wonderful cast and crew that are part of the LGBTQ+ community in their majority.

DIP is telled through reality and fantasy, having Denisse telling her death through voguing; but why voguing? Well lately this dance is turning more and more popular, being showcased in video clips of stars like Beyoncé or Nathy Peluso, however very Little is known about the origins of this dance. Voguing and Ballroom culture, where this dance started forming, was created in the 80s by black and latinx trans women; and brought to Latin America by other trans women. This short film was also written with the purpose of showing the origins of this dance. DIP is a denunciation to the inaction towards violence against trans women, a crude look of the discrimination that trans women suffer not only outside of the LGBTQ+ community but also inside.