十里春风 Love Like Spring Breeze

主演:何有瞵 袁宁
地区:中国 韩国

Director: Wenting Wei
Screenwriter: Wenting Wei
Cast: Youlin He, Ning Yuan
Producer: Yiying Zhao
Cinematographer:  Junfa Zhang
Genre: Featured short film
Length: 45min
Year: 2021
Dialogue: Chinese
Subtitles: Chinese, English
Region: China, Korea
Production Company: Dongguk University

故事梗概 Synopsis


Li owned a chess and card room and she started the relationship with Honey after a sex trade. Once Honey saw a picture of snow mountain in Li’s purse, she began to dream that one day she could have a trip to Tibet. Then Honey asked Li to do her a favor to transact a passport. But Li rejected her.

导演介绍 Director Biography

魏文婷,毕业于韩国东国大学导演系、浙江传媒学院摄影系。作品曾获LGBTQ无国界国际电影节学生组优异奖。辛丑年第七届“根亲中国”华语电影短片大赛优秀作品奖。第三届金翎电影节叙事片单元最佳女演员奖提名。2022年SHISW上海(国际)短片周主竞赛月度(七月)最佳故事短片单元入围、最佳演员单元荣誉提名。北京国际电影节·第八届青年优秀剧本推选单元入围。filMarathon 电影节剧本单元年度 TOP30。浙江传媒学院第二届星舟奖最佳声音设计入围。灯光指导剧情短片于第七届亚洲大学生电影展、韩国第 12 届大元佛教文化赏入围。华为短视频营销大赛全国前20强。

Wenting Wei, graduated from Dongguk University, South Korea, Communication University of Zhejiang, China. Directed films have won many awards at home and abroad.

导演阐述 Director Statement


影片以新现实主义电影风格为创作基础,采用实景拍摄,从美术角度保证了视觉的真实性。用非职业演员与职业演员相结合的方式,运用方言体现乡土气息。摄影方面参考苏联导演安德烈塔可夫斯基的导演风格,以场面的精心调度和长镜头捕捉演员的完整表演段落,精准简洁地表达人物关系和推动情节发展,按自然时间叙事并以开放式结局收尾,完整营造一种真实的生活状态和时间痕迹。运用实物与非实物的寓言性、多义性构成电影世界中的精神维度,充分显现生活的意义。同时也借鉴了日本导演小津安二郎的电影风格, 即“省略叙事法”,剧本中的故事往往发生在某个事件之后,注重呈现人们处理该事件的态度与行动。在故事结尾,通过纪录片的形式打破电影的虚拟与真实生活的界限,给观众带来哲学思考。

The name of the script comes from “Farewell” by Mu Du, a poet of the Tang Dynasty: “The spring breeze is ten miles away from Yangzhou Road, and it is always better to roll up the bead curtain.” The poem expresses the poet’s feeling of parting with the prostitute. Although Love Like Spring Breeze tells the love story between two women, it is not only a gay film, but more importantly, it shows the separation caused by the interest demands and belief conflicts in interpersonal relationships.

Based on the new realism film style, the film adopts live shooting to ensure the visual authenticity from the perspective of art. The combination of non-professional actors and professional actors was used to reflect the local flavor.