第一天 Take Yourself Home

主演:申晓明 李林坤

Director: Linkun Li
Screenwriter: Linkun Li
Cast: Xiaoming Shen, Linkun Li
Producer: Linkun Li
Cinematographer: Linkun Li
Genre: Featured short
Length: 30min
Year: 2022
Dialogue: Chinese
Subtitles: Chinese, English
Region: China
Production Company: None

故事梗概 Synopsis

“亲爱的三郎,这是我们决定分手后的第一天。我以为这一天会和以往一样没有什么不同,但又感觉真的有了很大的不同。”—— 坤



“Dear Ming, It’s the first day since we broke up. I thought this day would be no different than before, but then again it really feels so different.”— Kun

This is a film that was done by only two people.

It’s also an obsession of mine, an obsession that this film belongs to only two people. It’s like a ritual to complete the film, from the beginning to the end.

导演介绍 Director Biography


Linkun Li. A free-lance, living in Beijing, working in the post-production and theatre industry. He is exploring the crossover between film and theatre, from acting and cinematography in the early stages, to directing, dubbing and editing behind the scenes, to being an image designer in the theatre. He has yet to stop tossing and turning.

导演阐述 Director Statement



Something about “Take Yourself Home”:

The truth is that every day is still every day, whether we break up or not. It is no different from yesterday, only that we think it is different. The loneliness of human beings is just a repetition of day after day. The original idea of the film was not about a break-up, it’s just that I wanted to make a story about me and the actor, the two of us. The film was shot with just two people, from the cast to the shoot, which can be described as a strange obsession, and when the difficulties came up, I’m glad it was two people who overcame them together. By following the daily life of the actor, I accumulate material at first. And in the process, I gradually develop a script, which we then refine in different emotional experiments and follow up with filming to complete the film. This is a process that infuses a lot of current feelings. In the end, I realized that one person is alone; two persons together is two person’s loneliness.