卡门 Carmen

卡门 Carmen







执行导演:陈中卫 董垒


摄影:张楠 邓文顺 宿岩 张迪

录音:张宏毅 颜隆

化妆师:包伟 柳莹 范琳

主演:季晨 姜宝龙 王珞丹 李琳琳 何奕霏 亓航 计晓飞 刘震乾










“ 这是一个始于大学毕业前夕, 而至今尚未做完的梦。在大学毕业之前, 我和几位志同道合的艺术青年兄弟萌发了一个梦想: 用一部特别的独立电影来对大学四年的生活感悟做一个了结与告别— — 于是我们拍了《卡门》。《卡门》的拍摄断断续续的持续了一年半之久, 动用了大量仅有的资源。而至今大家看到的仍是一个半成品。不是我们不想完成它。它是在最客观的条件下产生, 在最客观的条件下制作出来的。我们客观的现实造就了这部没有头绪的电影。当彻底将这件非理性的事情停止的时候我们才发现, 原来这就是我们的意义,这才是我们的真实。”



104mins, 2006, fiction


Screenplay/director: Zhang Di

Executive director: Chen Zhongwei, Donglei

Director assistant: Wang Shuo

Photographer: Zhang Nan, Deng Wenshun, Su Yan, Zhang Di

Sound: Zhang Hongyi, Yan Long

Make-up: Bao Wei, Liu Ying, Fan Lin

Cast: Ji Chen, Jiang Baolong, Wang Luodan, Li Linlin, He Yilin, Qi Hang, Ji Xiaofei, Liu Zhenqian





A sensitive and little self-closed collage student Chen, majored in acting and per­formance, is now under graduation. Facing the society he begins to feel helpless. See­ing changes of his first love Dandan, be­ing fooled by a wealthy woman Sister Lin, tolerating the shame of being abandoned, suffering being forced to perform traves­tied show and the following complex, he felt completely lost.

He began to doubt about his identification, to doubt about the meaning of existence. At last, he denied his sexuality. After every­thing seems to be solved, Chen left a dairy-styled story ‘Carmen’and finished his life and destiny.




“It’s dream, which begins before my grad­uation, and not finished yet till now.”

Just before graduate, with some friends of the same interests, we decided to make a special film work to farewell to our life as collage students——that is the origin of ‘Carmen’.

Being interrupted, we took one and half year to finish this film, and nearly spent all the resources we had, but till now, ‘Car­men’ is still a half-done work. Not because we don’t want to finish it, but we created it under a very objective environment, our objective reality made this unfinished film. And when we surely stopped this unrea­sonable work, we found out the meaning of doing this, that’s the meaning of our reality.