Post: 推开世界的门 Forever 17



Forever 17



主演| 梁进龙、何鑫、曾文威、高翰文









制片公司|Keep In Touch Production



紧接着,剧情回溯两人的故事,一路从Ricky出柜、受家人否定,一直到他遇见Roger。这则故事重新想象了另一个未来:2029年,香港通过同婚立法,Ricky和Roger还有另外两对女同志成了香港第一批结婚的同性伴侣。Ricky的父母把他们的婚戒给了Ricky和Roger,传承了一份不分性别的祝福,实现了异性恋父母对酷儿孩子与他丈夫的接纳。本片看起来好像是个平凡又梦幻的故事,这是许多酷儿梦想的未来,但因现存的歧视和偏见,这些想象往往遥不可及。《Forever 17》透过酷儿们对双方的关爱、背叛、死亡去学懂怎样宽恕和治愈,从苦痛中复原,得到爱的传承,和永恒的承诺。《Forever 17》告诉我们,酷儿之间的终身伴侣关系并非遥不可及。




《Forever 17》是《烟花火》(标题暂定)三部曲的第一发。本片献给两位香港酷儿的灵魂人物:演员和歌手张国荣,以及去年(2018)自杀的歌手与友人卢凯彤。仅以本片怀念两人。尽管香港酷儿社群在经历不同的社会问题,我们必须从死亡的悲痛中走出,共同构筑一个明亮的未来:我们可以与伴侣白头偕老,我们可以过着不受恐惧和歧视侵扰的生活,我们可以真正觉得自己也是社会的一份子。

「简单平凡的生活」看起来似乎再容易不过,但仅属于「平凡」的异性恋者。《Forever 17》将酷儿放入每个人都冀望体会的日常之中。我们一直被标签为「异类」。而我们也一直不见容于社会期待的「正常」框架之中。在香港,无论是街上或媒体,我们几乎看不到酷儿伴侣的身影,更遑论一同变老或长期伴侣关系的议题。《Forever 17》旨在述说一个LGBT社群中落失的故事,藉此展望一个更为开放、明亮的未来。

Director|Kit Hung

Screenwriter|Kit Hung

Cast|Jun Leung, Sam Ho, Clifford Tsang, Ko Hon Man

Producer|Connie Ng

Cinematographer|Lee Chik Hei

Genre|Short film




Subtitles|Chinese, English

Region|Hong Kong, China

Production Company|Keep In Touch Production


Ricky and Roger lived together and fell in love with each other for more than 40 years. Roger passed away recently, and every time Ricky tidies up their bed, memories flood him from every corner and at every touch. Inside a drawer, he found two red envelopes given to Roger by Ricky’s parents nearly half-century ago, on the day Roger spent the 1st Chinese New Year dinner with Ricky’s family… 

A flashback shows the love story between Ricky and Roger, from Ricky’s coming out and the disapproval of his family, to the time he met with Roger. The story re-imagines a future for us: in 2029, Hong Kong passed same-sex marriage legislation, Ricky and Roger and two other lesbian couples become the first registered same-sex married couples in Hong Kong. Ricky’s parents gave them their own wedding rings as a blessing, the best proof of acceptance from the heterosexual parents to his queer son and his partner. The film carries on as an ordinary and fairy-tale-like story, a future a lot of queer people desire but struggle to imagine due to stigma and discrimination. Forever 17 tells us that a lifelong queer relationship comes to existence through love and care, betrayal and forgiveness, pain and recovery, death and survival,  inheritance and eternity, and honouring mutual commitments.

Director Biography

Kit Hung (IMDb) is a lecturer at the Film Academy, Hong Kong Baptist University.  Graduated with Master in Fine Arts at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, he is currently undertaking a research degree studies in the Department of Media and Communications at the Goldsmiths College, University of London.  He is an award-winning director with his films screened at over 100 international film festivals.  His short films “invisible people (有人)” and “I am not what you want (天使)” premiered at the Rotterdam International Film Festival and received awards from festivals in Hong Kong. His first feature film “Soundless Wind Chime” has won 6 international awards and was nominated for the Teddy Awards at Berlin Film Festival, released in 14 countries in 6 different languages.  He also received Best Director and Best New Director awards in Spain and Italy. 

Director’s Statement

Forever 17  is the first part of the “Fire Work” (working title) trilogy. The film is dedicated to two honourable queer icons from Hong Kong, actor and singer Leslie Cheung (张国荣), and singer and friend Ellen Loo (卢凯彤), who died of suicide. The queer community in Hong Kong must free themselves from the sorrow of their death, and build a brighter future together: we can grow old together with our life long partners, we can lead a life without fear and discrimination, and that we can feel as, and actually be a part of the society.

“A simple, ordinary life” seems to be easy to achieve but, unfortunately, that is only true for “the ordinary”, heterosexual people. Forever 17  put queerness into an ordinary life looks forward to. We have always been stigmatized as “the others” and “the different”, and we do not fit within the normality of social expectation. In Hong Kong, seldom do we see queer couples on the street or media, let along those, together, growing old and facing challenges of maintaining long term relationship. Forever 17  seeks to tell that lost story for the LGBT community, envisioning a more open and brighter future for us.