Damaged Goods
2012| 4min | 汉姆·韦斯特拉 Harm Weistra
舞蹈片 Dance Film
编剧 Screenwriter
汉姆·韦斯特拉 Harm Weistra
主演 Cast
Fernando Dominguez, Armando Roberto Disanto
制片人 Producer
汉姆·韦斯特拉 Harm Weistra
摄影 Cinematographers
Eddi Bal, Harm Weistra
对白语言 Language
英语 English
字幕 Subtitles
中文 Chinese
故事梗概 Synopsis
Comments about this video posted on YouTube and read by two voice actors are the starting point of Damaged Goods. The comments seem to guide the movements of the two male dancers, ultimately influencing to what extent they dare to live their lives. The contrast between the comments and the intimacy of the dancers invites the viewer to reflect and to take a stand. Although the video seems to focus on the gay community, it has a broader relevance in the sense that the video shows the impact of the Internet and social media on the lives of individuals and groups. The video can be seen as a metaphor for the mechanism of oppression of people who deviate from what is considered the norm. Apparent tolerance, as a latent form of control that forces individuals to live within socially acceptable boundaries, can also be seen as a major theme of Damaged Goods.
导演简历 Bio-Filmography of Director
哈姆·韦斯特拉的艺术作品跨越多个领域,包括电影、摄影、媒体艺术和装置艺术。作为艺术家,他从自身经验和研究所得获得灵感,并对其作出回应,结果是概念性框架,和多层次的探索。哈姆·韦斯特拉在阿姆斯特丹工作生活,拥有社会科学的硕士学位,艺术学士学位。他曾在阿姆斯特丹Gerrit Rietveld Academie、鹿特丹Willem de Kooning Academie 学习绘画。
Harm Weistra’s artwork spans a variety of disciplines, including films, photos, media art and installations. As an artist, he draws inspiration from and produces work in response to his own experience and research. This results in a strong underlying conceptual framework, and a multi-layered approach.
Harm Weistra lives and works in Amsterdam. He holds a master’s degree in social sciences and a bachelor’s degree in fine art. He studied fine arts in the Netherlands at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam and the Willem de Kooning Academie in Rotterdam.