Water Lilies
2007| 85min | 席琳·西阿玛 Céline Sciamma
剧情长片 Feature Film
主演 Cast
Pauline Acquart, Louise Blachère, Adèle Haenel
制片人 Bénédicte Couvreur, Jérôme Dopffer
摄影 Cinematographer
Crystel Fournier
对白语言 Language
字幕 Subtitles
故事梗概 Synopsis
Summer in a new suburb outside Paris. Nothing to do but look at the ceiling. Marie, Anne and Floriane are fifteen. Their paths cross in the corridors at the local swimming pool, where love and desire make a sudden, dramatic appearance.
导演简历 Bio-Filmography of Director
席琳·西阿玛是一名法国编剧和导演。席安玛的作品属于极简抽象派风格, 她曾就读于法国著名电影学院La Fémis, 她的作品风格在一定程度上受到她的导师夏维尔·毕沃斯的影响。她的作品另类,极富形式主义色彩(剧中对话匮乏,布景独具一格)。 席安玛的电影制作始于影片“水仙花开”,体现出首次电影制作的特点,侧重于青春题材,讲述青少年或儿童的故事。此外,席安玛对于女孩在青春期对于性别认知及定位尤为感兴趣。她2014年的电影“女孩帮”被选中在 2014年戛纳电影节导演双周单元进行播放
Céline Sciamma is a French screenwriter and film director. Sciamma’s work is strikingly minimalist, partly the legacy of her mentor, Xavier Beauvois, who advised her while she was a student at the major French film school La Fémis. While highly formalist and idiosyncratic (notably in her lack of dialogue and very stylized mise-en-scène ), Sciamma’s filmmaking, beginning with Water Lilies, relates closely to the characteristics of first-time filmmaking in France, notably in its emphasis on coming-of-age films focused on adolescents or pre-adolescents. Sciamma is very interested, moreover, in the fluidity of gender and sexual identity among girls during this formative period. Her 2014 film Girlhood was selected to be screened as part of the Directors’ Fortnight section of the 2014 Cannes Film Festival.