2014| 7 min | 刘亭亭 Liu Tingting
纪录短片 Short Documentary
副导演 Assistant Director
李运超 Li Yunchao
主演 Cast
Nico Chen, 黄义高 Huang Yigao
制片人 Producer
李祎礽 Eing Lee
摄影 Cinematographers
张新伟 Jimmy Zhang, 韩俊 Han Jun
对白语言 Languages
普通话,粤语 Mandarin, Cantonese
字幕 Subtitles
中英 Chinese and English
制作机构 Production Group
临时工电影小组 The Film Team of Temporality
故事梗概 Synopsis
The encounter between a gay man (Nico Chen) and a now-recovered leprosy patient (Huang Yigao) was documented in this film. In China, leprosy is an ancient disease. In 1949, when the Communist Party took over the mainland, the Communist government started a national project of leprosy control as a part of their nation building effort. Leprosy was officially eliminated at the national level in China by 1982; however, former leprosy sufferers like Huang Yigao (who was once quarantined) continue to live in remote villages, mainly because of strong prejudice against them.
March 11th is the International Day of Respect, an annual celebration that takes place in the city of Guangzhou. On this day, Nico Chen met Huang Yigao. Nico admitted that before meeting Huang, he was concerned about leprosy and knew nothing about it. Only by searching online for information about the disease and learning from volunteers in local NGOs did he diminish his fear. At the same time, although we could not help Old Huang make sense of homosexuality, his reaction to the issue of sexuality was still interesting.
导演简历 Bio-Filmography of Director
This is Liu Tingting, a lesbian and a feminist. I have been devoted to the LGBT movement and feminist movement in China since 2009, when I established Nüyou Group, a lesbian organization in Guangzhou.
My understanding of documentary and film comes from my master’s study in the field of communication. I am going to be a PhD student in sociology this year.
导演阐述 Director’s Statement
Segregation is my first documentary, and maybe the last one (I’m joking). The name comes from the fact that homosexuals and leprosy patients both suffer from social, cultural and/or geographic segregation. It is also meant to imply that anyone of us can be segregated if we do not have love, understanding and tolerance.
With this film, I want to challenge a narrow idea about LGBT rights, which is that the LGBT movement is concerned only about the rights of LGBTs. Though speaking for oneself is important, it can also make us turn a blind eye to other important social issues, or keep us from relating our LGBT movement to the broader social movement of social freedom and justice. As a matter of fact, each dimension of social inequality is closely related to others, mutually reinforcing one another in dimensions such as colonizer/colonized, state/individual, capital/labour, male/female, heterosexual/homosexual, etc. What I want to emphasize is that we should learn to unite our movement with other social movements and always keep other disadvantaged groups in mind.