《浮云》 Zero Thousand Li under the Clouds




Zero Thousand Li under the Clouds

2013 | 83 min |程裕苏 Andrew Yusu Cheng

剧情长片 Feature Film

编剧 Screenwriter

程裕苏 Andrew Yusu Cheng

主演 Cast

臧晓玉 Zhang Xiaoyu, 于博宁 Yu Bolin

制片人 Producer

程裕苏 Andrew Yusu Cheng

摄影 Cinematographer

张月宝 Zhang Yuebao

对白语言 Language

中文 Chinese

字幕 Subtitles

英文 English


故事梗概 Synopsis






小宝从小对外星人和UFO 感兴趣。在北京的后海,小宝遇到了一个神人,那个人说在那里已经等小宝一百多年了,那个人还教了小宝一种宇宙语,说学会了可以直接和外星人交谈。某天晚上,外星人托梦给小宝,告诉小宝只要他来玉树,就可以见到他们,他们会把小宝带离地球。于是小宝离开北京,踏上了去玉树的路上。




A Shanghai writer raised in an orphanage invites her godmother to her Shanghai home. The godmother was originally from Shanghai but had married a Tibetan classmate and moved with him in the 1950s to Yushu, on the Tibetan Plateau. When the godmother dies unexpectedly in Shanghai, she leaves a will pleading for the writer to bring her prayer beads back to her Tibetan Buddhist teacher in Yushu so that her soul may be freed to heaven.


Da Wei lives in Beijing and has been told by his doctor that he has three months to live. He departs for Yushu in search of Xiangzi, a poet and university classmate who had disappeared twenty years earlier, in order to keep the vow he made back then that the two would see each other one last time before leaving this world.


Meditating each night, Xiaobao believes he can enter the core of the universe and communicate with aliens. One night, a message is sent to his dreams by an alien stating that only in Yushu would he encounter the UFO that would take him away from Earth and return him to his homeland on another planet. With this message, Xiaobao sets off on the road to Yushu, looking for the UFO and aliens.


The three meet and separate on the Tibetan Plateau, a world mirrored by floating clouds that gaze down constantly,illuminating a Zero Thousand Li journey under the moon and sky of Tibet.


导演简历 Bio-Filmography of Director

程裕苏(导演、编剧、摄影,学者),荣获多项重要国际电影大奖,中国新生代导演代表人物, 是最早将DV 和RED 4K 电影技术引到中国的人士之一。程裕苏导演,获悉尼大学电影制作硕士;墨尔本大学维多利亚艺术学院电影/视觉人类学博士;北京大学佛学博士(师从佛学和国学泰斗楼宇烈教授)。 2013年,凭艺术成就,获“澳洲总理” 大奖。电影代表作品:2001年完成电影处女作《我们害怕》;2003年完成影片《目的地,上海》;2013年完成《浮云》。





2012年程裕苏导演获澳洲“罗曼学者” 大奖








Andrew Yusu Cheng is a filmmaker, script writer and scholar. He holds a PhD in Buddhism from Peking University and a PhD in Film/Visual Anthropology from Melbourne University. His academic awards include the Norman MacGeorge Scholar Award from Melbourne University (2012) and the Prime Minister’s Australia Asia Scholar Award from the Australian government (2013).




2001 Shanghai Panic

Dragons & Tigers Award, 2002 Vancouver International Film Festival


2003 Welcome to Destination Shanghai

Awards: FIPRISCI Award, 2004 Rotterdam International Film Festival

Golden Key Award, 2004 Europe Arts Film Festival

Silver DV Award, 2004 HONG KONG International Film Festival


2013, Zero Thousand Li under the Clouds and Moon

Award: Best Ethnic Film, 2014 Beijing International Film Festival


Andrew Yusu Cheng’s films have been invited to over 30 film festivals, and have screened at MoMA, Lincoln Centre, Centre Georges Pompidou, and elsewhere.


导演阐述 Director’s Statement






影片适合那些想上路,或正在路上的驴友;那些没去过西藏,或各种原因去不了西藏的;那些想看青海湖的油菜花,唐番古道的星宿海,德令哈的满月,青藏高原的繁星,玉树的彩云,以及神秘的雍布拉康 – 西藏吐蕃王朝的第一座宫殿,传说中外星人经常出没的地点。




This is a road movie shot in Yushu, Tibet. It infuses the latest 4K digital film technology with an Eastern philosophical core mentality. The film aims to salute a passing Chinese era when morality had not been replaced by money, poetry and romance were valued, and people did not have to be in Tibet to see a blue sky, a full moon and blossoming flowers.


This film is the first episode of my Tibetan trilogy. Aesthetically, it is tailored to the local Tibetan philosophical view that everything has a soul, be it a floating cloud or a human being. This view holds that through a silent gaze, people can communicate with anything: clouds, flowers, lakes, etc.


I try to achieve here a cinematic narration not through a linear dramatic construction of incidents, but through keeping the space vacant and the rhythm paced so that a private space can be reserved for the viewer to sense the vibration in terms of their own contexts. A similar approach is often adopted in the traditional Chinese painting style known as liu bai (留白).


The film also pays tribute to the 1940s classic Chinese road movie Eight Thousand Li under the Clouds and Moon, which shows scenes of blood, death and turmoil in the breathless darkness of wartime.