《春光》 Spring Scenery


Spring Scenery

2014| 5min | 蔡泽林 CaiZelin

编剧 Screenwriter

蔡泽林 Cai Zelin

主演 Cast

施志鹄 Shi Zhihu, 余子涵 Yu Zihan, 张文茜 Zhang Wenxi, 徐燕 Xuyan


蔡泽林 Cai Zelin

摄影 Cinematographer

徐松峰 Xu Songfeng, 钱亮 Qian Liang

对白语言 Language

中文 Chinese

字幕 Subtitles

中文 Chinese

制作机构 Production Group

三又二分之一电影工作室  3 and ½ Film Studio


故事梗概 Synopsis


Two gay men meet each other in a crowd and, able to resist the sparks between them, go off together. But social custom means they cannot allow their relationship to be seen by others, and the two of them must drag out an ignoble existence each day. Only in the darkness of night do they dare to go out. This kind of life, of course, is very painful and tortuous. They want to break up in order to escape, but after many painful struggles they decide to stay together, going bravely hand in hand.


导演简历 Bio-Filmography of Director

蔡泽林, 男, 1993年10月12日出生。现就读于苏州市苏州科技学院,大三汉语专业。大一时开始参与拍摄第一部微电影《告白行动指南》,这部电影在优酷上获得了50多万的点击率。大二上学期自编自导自演了第二部微电影《围城》,广受好评。大二下学期与几位好友建立“三又二分之一电影工作室”,开始为校内外的各种团体组织拍摄宣传片、微电影等。大三上学期拍摄同性题材MV《春光》,在校内引起轰动,此片入围2014年的上海骄傲同志电影节。大三下学期拍摄完成校园科幻题材短片《盗版光盘》,目前正在紧张的后期制作中。

Cai Zelin was born in 1993. He is a third-year student with a major in Chinese at the Institute of Science and Technology in Suzhou. When he was a freshman, his short film Confessions Guide received more than 500,000 hits on Youku. During his second year of college he wrote, directed and acted in his second short film Wei Cheng. Together with some friends, he started his own film studio called Three and a Half. He started making short films and promotional videos for different organisations. Spring was made in his third year and was selected for theShanghai Gay and Lesbian Pride Film Festival. His latest sci-fi film Pirate Disk is currently in post production.


导演阐述 Director’s Statement



An unexpected opportunity allowed me to read an article about homosexuality in a book called See by Chai Jing. With vivid language, Chai described the life situation of these people in the hope that more people would know, understand, and respect them. After reading this essay I was very touched and suddenly realized that this is a topic that is worthy of attention. I began reading about gay movies and seeking just enough information to let me learn about gay people. Homosexuality is not a disease or a psychopathology. It’s just a common biological phenomenon within nature, like all human behavior.

The film was made using flashbacks and multiple storylines. It contains a lot of metaphor as well as absurd black humour. I used these methods to show the life difficulties faced by two gay men. The story begins at their first moment of encounter and continues as they bravely hold each other’s hand to the end. The women’s underwear in the film represents ordinary society. The coquettish girl in the beginning of the film is a projection of the real world. The female is a reflection of the boy. Her appearance in the film is meant to show the audience that when a boy falls in love with another boy, it’s the same as falling in love with a girl. We wanted to show how difficult it is to fall in love with a person with the same sex. We used piano at the end of film to express our support and encouragement to gay people. We want to tell them that they should go on bravely with their love. Sooner or later, people will understand and respect them.