《我的孩子》 My Child



My Child

2013 | 82 min | 坎坎达 Can Candan

纪录长片 Feature Documentary

制片人 Producers

坎坎达 Can Candan, Ayşe Çetinbaş, Gökçe İnce

摄影 Cinematographer

Oğuz Yenen

对白语言 Language

土耳其语 Turkish

字幕 Subtitles

中英 Chinese, English

制作机构 Production Group

Surela Film


故事梗概 Synopsis

如果你的孩子向你出柜,会发生些什么? 《My Child》就是关于一批拥有LGBT儿女的勇敢而又鼓舞人心的父母们。他们不仅经历了接受儿女身份的困难历程,而且往前走了一大步,去向其他的LGBT家庭乃至大众分享他们的经验。影片《My Child》里七位父母向观众娓娓道来他们的故事,重新阐释了如何为人父母,何谓家庭,怎样在这般恐同、歧视跨性别者的保守社会里做一名活动人士,这一系列议题。


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What happens when your child comes out to you? My Childis about a very courageous and inspiring group of mothers and fathers in Turkey who are parents of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals. They have not only gone through the difficult path of accepting their children for who they are, but also have taken the next step to share their experiences with other LGBT families and the public. In My Child, seven parents intimately share their experiences with the viewer as they redefine what it means to be parents, family, and activists in this conservative, homophobic, and transphobic society.



导演简历 Bio-Filmography of Director

坎坎达是一位独立电影导演,并在土耳其伊斯坦布尔海峡大学任教,在美国和土耳其两地教授了一系列电影、视像课程和工作坊。他的作品多次被选入各大国际电影节、论坛,也在艺术馆和电视台放映过。他的纪录片作品包括《Boycott Coke》 (1989)、《Exodus” (1991)》、《Duvarlar Mauern Walls》 (2000)、《3 Hours》 (2008). 《My Child》是他的第三部长篇纪录片。

Can Candan director color

Can Candan is an independent filmmaker and a lecturer at Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey.  He has taught film and video courses and workshops, both in the U.S. and in Turkey. His works have been screened internationally at festivals, conferences, in galleries and on television. His documentaries include Boycott Coke (1989), Exodus (1991), Duvarlar Mauern Walls (2000), and 3 Hours (2008). My Child (2013) is his third feature documentary film.


导演阐述 Director’s Statement

相较在社会运动里摸爬滚打数年的活动家们,《My Child》里的父母们只需更短的时间,就能达到相同的效果。通过分享他们的经历,感动普罗大众,他们已经将LGBT个体们由痛苦的社会边缘带到了公众议题的中心,消除了不少人的成见。这部影片里他们不仅分享了为人父母各异的心路历程,而且唤起了我们每个人心里都存有的情感:一个人如何去做真正的自己,如果令家庭和社会去接受这份真我。他们还从根本上质问了父母、家庭、活动人士的定义。



What the parents in My Child have been able to do in a short amount of time in Turkey is something that activists struggle to do for years of political activity. By sharing their stories, by touching people’s hearts, they have brought the plight of LGBT individuals from the margins to the center of society and changed hearts and minds. In this film, they not only share their unique personal experiences of parenthood, they also address something that each of us can relate to: a person’s struggle to be who s/he really is, and to be accepted as such within the family and in the society. They also fundamentally question what it means to be a parent, a family, and also an activist.

Since we decided to make this film, scores of LGBT individuals have been killed in Turkey and around the world. In our fight to end violence and discrimination against LGBT individuals, we have a lot to learn from these courageous and inspiring parents. I believe this film gives us a chance to do that.