《奇缘一生》Our Marriages: When Lesbians Marry Gay Men



Our Marriages: When Lesbians Marry Gay Men

2012 | 82 min | 何小培He Xiaopei, 袁园 Yuan Yuan


纪录长片 Feature Documentary


编剧 Screenwriter

何小培He Xiaopei, 袁园 Yuan Yuan


主演 Cast

小熊 Xiao Xiong, 静静 Jing Jing, 可乐 Ke Le, 姗姗 Shan Shan


摄影 Cinematographers

袁园Yuan Yuan,何小培 He Xiaopei


对白语言 Language

中文 Chinese


字幕 Subtitles

中英 Chinese, English


制作机构Production Group

粉色空间 Pink Space







Same-sex love takes different forms in different cultures and times. In China, as the pressure to marry continues to be a central component of traditional family culture, some lesbians and gay men have adopted an unusual arrangement to alleviate this burden. A number of mutually consenting lesbians and gay men have entered into agreements that allow them to adopt a form of contract marriage with detailed terms and conditions of marriage and married life. They then hold weddings for the sake of their families and proceed to live as “normal” heterosexual couples.


How do lesbians negotiate their lives as both lesbians and filial daughters? How are these contract marriages arranged? And how does a contract couple navigate the complicated duties and obligations of married life?  Our Marriages: Lesbians Marry Gay Men follows the negotiations, weddings, and lives of four lesbians for two years in a large city in northeast China, documenting their strategies and the issues they face. The film raises important questions and reflections about the institution of marriage as well as lesbian and gay life in contemporary Chinese society.


导演简历Bio-Filmography of Directors





He Xiaopei

Living in the mountains as a teenager trained me to be a professional shepherd, and the Himalayas turned me into a full time mountaineer. A government job made me an economist while the women’s movement and immersion in gender studies converted me to become a feminist. Participating in LBGTQ organizing in China helped me to realize there are many people—especially people with disabilities, HIV-positive women, bisexual women, and sex workers—who are oppressed because of their gender and sexuality. This is why I set up the Pink Space Sexuality Research Centre and continue to promote sexual rights, including sexual pleasure, among people who are oppressed.



毕业于北京电影学院图片摄影专业,独立纪录片导演,从2004年开始参与非政府机构与影像有关的项目,并参与创办倡导性少数权利的NGO粉色空间(2007),创作和策划了一系列的摄影作品,包括《北京前门同性伴侣结婚行为摄影》(2009),平遥国际摄影大展《山女晋娃农村感染艾滋病妇女和儿童作品联展》(2011),《At This Moment, I Want to Be》(2013)获得荷兰“国际骄傲摄影奖”的特别奖。从2008年开始独立纪录片的创作,主要作品有《宠儿》,26分钟;《奇缘一生》,81分钟。


Yuan Yuan

Yuan Yuan is an independent documentary filmmaker who graduated from the Beijing Film Academy. A founding member of Pink Space Sexuality Research Centre, her works include Same-Sex Couples Take Wedding Photos at Qianmen (2009), a photo exhibition of rural HIV-positive women and children at the Pingyao International Photography Festival (2011), At This Moment, I Want to Be (2013; Special Mention at the 2013 Pride Photo Award), and the films The Lucky One and Our Marriages:When Lesbians Marry Gay Men.


导演阐述Directors’ Statement




There is a lot of discrimination against people who enter into contract marriages. Some say that women who are lesbians should come out as lesbian; some say they should not “deceive” their parents; others say having a contract marriage is surrendering to patriarchal institutions. But what do people who actually have contract marriages say? We need to hear people who are in contract marriages tell their own stories. We need to hear from them about their experiences and their family backgrounds. We followed four lesbians for two years, heard their stories, and recorded their ordinary lives and extraordinary weddings in order to understand the simple but profound reasons for contract marriages.