《夜曲》 Night Song


Night Song

2009| 12min | 费晓熠 Fei Xiaoyi

剧情短片 Short Narrative

编剧 Screenwriter

费晓熠 Fei Xiaoyi

主演 Cast

长川 Changchuan, 超然 Chao Ran

制片人 Producer

费晓熠 Fei Xiaoyi

摄影 Cinematographer

罗杰 Luo Jie

对白语言 Language

中文 Chinese

字幕 Subtitles

中文 Chinese

制作机构 Production Group

栗宪庭电影学院 Li Xianting Film School


故事梗概 Synopsis



One night in Songzhuang, a young thief named Xiaochuan meets a mysterious man. The beautiful night turns a simple theft into a walk around town with little talking and sometimes just silence. Upon separating, Xiaochuan secretly returns the wallet he stole from the man, along with his phone number, in the hopes of seeing him again. What he doesn’t know, however, is that the man already sent him a message long ago…


导演简历 Bio-Filmography of Director


Fei Xiaoyi studied at the Li Xianting Film School, and has made several short narratives including Night Song and Moment.


导演阐述 Director’s Statement


This film depicts a night shared by two characters who encounter one another, wander around together and finally separate. Changes in their feelings toward each other lead to change in their behavior, until the end of the film when the last message is sent.The sweetness of this message can only be known by the two, just like their possible future together.