郑淑丽 Shu Lea CHEANG
2024|酷儿新声 Queer New Voices
《UKI》的故事线展开于一个废弃的复制人REIKO,他们被丢弃在电子垃圾之城——一个巨大的科技废品场。在那里,REIKO试图在电子垃圾之城的转基因居民的帮助下重新拼凑自己的身体。与REIKO的经历平行的是一座感染中的城市,我们逐渐意识到基因工程公司GENOM Co.的鲁莽计划。
UKI’s storyline unfolds as we follow a defunct replicant REIKO dumped on Etrashville – a vast dump for tech – who tries to pull themselves back together with the help of Etrashville’s transgenic inhabitants. Parallel to REIKO’s trajectory is that of an infected city where we are made aware of the reckless schemes of the biotech enterprise, GENOM Co.
Director: Shu Lea Cheang
Screenwriter: Shu Lea Cheang
Cast: Tyra Wigg, Bernard Butler, Joey
Producer: Shu Lea Cheang, Jürgen Brüning
Cinematographer: Francy Fabritz
Genre: Scifi viral alt-reality cinema
Length: 80 min
Year: 2023
Dialogue: English
Region: Germany, USA
Production Company: Shu Lea Cheang
郑淑丽 Shu Lea CHEANG
郑淑丽(Shu Lea Cheang)是一位艺术家和电影导演,她致力于重新定义性别、类型和运作结构。她的艺术实践通过融合类型和颠覆性别观念,挑战现有的社会、地理、政治和经济机制。郑淑丽以即兴的方式构建网络装置和多人表演,创作科幻叙事,融入她的电影剧本和其他艺术作品。通过打破常规的故事情节和开放的网络互动,她与观众建立联系,鼓励公众参与互动,表达自己的想法。作为互联网艺术的先锋,郑淑丽的作品《BRANDON》(1998-1999)是首个由纽约古根海姆博物馆委托并收藏的网络艺术作品。从90年代在网络空间的开创性探索,到如今她在崩溃后的生物网络中寻找灵感,郑淑丽在她当前的创作周期中深入探索“病毒之爱”和“生物黑客”的主题。在2019年威尼斯双年展上,她用3x3x6格式的混合媒介装置描绘了台湾社会。郑淑丽目前正在创作《UKI》,一部结合了科幻元素、病毒主题和另类现实表现手法的作品;另一部创作中的作品是《UNBORN0x9》,是关于黑客表演的电影。
Shu Lea Cheang is an artist and filmmaker whose work aims to reenvision genders, genres, and operating structures. Her genre bending gender hacking art practices challenge the existing operating mechanisms and the imposed boundaries of society, geography, politics, and economic structures. Cheang constructs networked installation and multi-player performance in participatory impromptu mode. She drafts sci-fi narratives in her film scenario and artwork imagination. She builds social interface with transgressive plots and open network that permits public participation. As a net art pioneer, BRANDON (1998-1999) was the first work of web art commissioned and collected by the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York. From homesteading cyberspace in the 90s to her current retreat to post-netcrash BioNet zone, Cheang takes on viral love, bio hack in her current cycle of works. She represented Taiwan with 3x3x6, a mixed media installation at Venice Biennale 2019. Cheang is currently at work on UKI, a sci-fi viral alt-reality cinema and UNBORN0x9, a hacking performance.
导演阐述 Director’s Statement
UKI derives from the current cycle of my work which focuses on viral love and biohack.
Artistically, I apply the aesthetics of virtual reality for the film’s scenery and character construct.