2024|变化的美 Beauty in Trans*
《骑祂》是Enema Stone的第二支个人单曲,以关于怎样骑上巨物的教程作为酷儿情欲的隐喻。Enema的创作灵感来源于拉娜·德雷的Ride:打雷姐不顾内心的纠结矛盾,带着快意人生、向死而生、放浪形骸的态度在公路上狂奔,骑车时也顺便也骑一下金发碧眼的爹。如同打雷姐,Enema在《骑祂》中也肆意骑行。当然,歌词也同时致敬了约翰·柯里尔的作品《戈黛娃夫人》。画背后的故事来源于一个中世纪传说:英格兰考文垂贵族女子戈黛娃夫人为了争取减免丈夫强加于市民们的重税,裸体在考文垂的大街骑马,成为勇气、冒险精神与自我牺牲的象征。《骑祂》综合了打雷姐与马背上的戈黛娃夫人所表达的内涵:女性、酷儿与人文主义永存。当然,Enema也将欧美流行文化融入《骑祂》中。作为雷门座下的其中一把二椅子,《骑祂》的MV造型中包含了对Lana Del Rey的秋千造型的指涉,以及Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta的粉色牛仔帽。在歌词中也出现了酷儿圣经Born This Way中的“orient made”与变装黑话big camel (toe toe toe)等,是一份结合了坎普与戏谑的骄傲宣言。正如Enema所说,这是一首关于骑又不关于骑的歌, 每个人心里都喜欢骑一些东西,无论是一路肆意骑行还是骑上巨物。
考虑到一些特殊的原因,在本次《骑祂》中有关“骑行教程”的部分内容可能在国际版才能看到了。在推出了数支MV与单曲后,Medusa Records团队变得更加富有经验,也正在加速制作其他的作品,敬请期待。
“Ride It” is Enema Stone’s second solo single, featuring a tutorial on how to ride a giant thing as a metaphor for queer desire. Enema’s songwriting is based on Lana Del Rey’s Ride. Lana is holding her “LIVE FAST. DIE YOUNG. BE WILD. AND HAVE FUN” motto to ride along the road, and of course rides on her full-time daddy, white and gold, regardless of the war in her mind. In Ride It, Enema inherited this attitude and amplified the desire burning within it. Moreover, the lyrics pay tribute to John Collier’s painting, Lady Godiva. The story behind the painting originates from a medieval legend: Lady Godiva, a noblewoman from Coventry, England, rode naked through the streets of Coventry in order to gain a remission of the oppressive taxation that her husband imposed on his tenants. Since then, Lady Godiva has become a symbol of courage, adventurousness, and self-sacrifice. Ride it combines the spirits of Lana and Lady Godiva: the lady power, the queerness, and the humanism live on. Of course, Enema also incorporates pop culture elements into Ride It. As one of the “Faggots” (well does it sound offensive?) following Lana Del Rey, the styling of the music video for Ride It includes references to Lana Del Rey’s swing look and Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta’s pink cowboy hat. With lyrics like “orient made” from queer bible Born This Way and the drag idiom “big camel (toe toe toe)”, it’s a statement of pride that combines Camp and banter. As Enema puts: this song is about RIDE, but at the same time, it’s not about RIDE. Everyone has its own version of RIDE, whether it’s about RIDING along the road freely, or RIDING ON the giant things.
Ride It is the first time since 2022 that Medusa’s mommy, Michael, has returned to Shanghai for intensive recording and creation, and it is also director Sky’s second work after WET.
For some special reasons, the content about “riding tutorials” will only be seen in the international version. After releasing several videos and singles, the team of Medusa Records has become more experienced and is working on other projects, so stay tuned.
制片公司:Medusa Records / Wave Creative
Director: Sky Cai
Screenwriter: Enema Stone
Cast: Enema Stone
Producer: Sky Cai
Cinematographer: Chi Tian
Genre: Music Video
Length: 4 min
Year: 2024
Dialogue: English
Region: China
Production Company: Medusa Records / Wave Creative
蔡逍天 Sky CAI
Sky Cai是国内知名的酷儿KOL、国内最具代表性的酷儿厂牌MEDUSA的创办人之一、酷儿设计工作室WAVE的主理人。从7年前与Medusa一同置身于国内酷儿文化场景中,加上超过10年商业市场创意工作经历造就了Sky不一样的视觉表达方式。
Sky Cai is one of the organizers and co-founders of MEDUSA; Shanghai’s queerest-glitter soaked party and record label. He is also an online drag influencer, and a partner in Shanghai’s queer design and creative studio WAVE. After working in the creative industry for a decade, “WET” is Sky’s much-overdue directorial debut. Combining Sky’s 10 years of creative working experience in commercial market and 7 years soaked in Chinese queer community leads to the unique visual expression of Sky today.
导演阐述 Director’s Statement
《Ride It》是2022年后美杜莎妈妈Michael离沪后第一次返回上海进行集中录制、创作的作品,也是导演Sky继WET之后的第二次创作。
考虑到一些特殊的原因,在本次《Ride It》中有关“骑行教程”的部分内容可能在国际版才能看到了。在推出了数支MV与单曲后,Medusa Records团队变得更加富有经验,也正在加速制作其他的作品,敬请期待。
Ride It is the first time since 2022 that Medusa’s mommy, Michael, has returned to Shanghai for intensive recording and creation, and it is also director Sky’s second work after WET.
For some special reasons, the content about “riding tutorials” will only be seen in the international version. After releasing several videos and singles, the team of Medusa Records has become more experienced and is working on other projects, so stay tuned.