阿兰·吉罗迪 Alain GUIRAUDIE
2024|酷儿新声 Queer New Voices
Jérémie returns to his hometown for the funeral of his former boss, the village baker. He decides to stay for a few days with Martine, the man’s widow. A mysterious disappearance, a threatening neighbor and a priest with strange intentions make Jérémie’s short stay in the village take an unexpected turn…
Director: Alain Guiraudie
Screenwriter: Alain Guiraudie
Cast: Félix Kysyl, Catherine Frot, Jean-Baptiste Durand, Jacques Develay, David Ayala
Producer: Charles Gillibert, Romain Blondeau, Mélanie Biessy
Cinematographer: Claire Mathon
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Length: 103 min
Year: 2024
Dialogue: French
Region: France
Production Company: CG Cinéma, Scala Films, Arte France Cinéma, Andergraun Films, Rosa Filmes
阿兰·吉罗迪 Alain GUIRAUDIE
2024 -《宽恕》 Misericordia
2021 -《跟我走吧》 Nobody’ Hero
2016 -《保持独立》 Staying Vertical
2013 -《湖畔的陌生人》 Stranger by The Lake
2009 -《逃跑大王》 The King of Escape
2005 -《时候到了》Time Has Come
2003 -《勇者不眠》No Rest for the Braves
2001 – That Old Dream that Moves
2001 《老梦前行》
2000 – Sunshine for the Scoundrels
2000 《给乞丐一点阳光》
1997 -《事物的力量》 La Force des choses
1994 -《黎明前直走》Straight Ahead Until Morning
1990 -《勇士不朽》 Heroes Never Die
导演阐述 Director’s Statement
当我正在写剧本时这个标题在我脑海里涌现。对我来说,“仁慈 ”超越了 “宽恕 ”的范畴。它与同理心有关,与超越道德理解他人有关。它关系到向他人伸出援手。它是一个我们不再过多使用的过气词语,但正是宽恕凭借着永恒性很好地成就了这部电影,并超出了电影中最棒的角色之一——牧师所蕴含的意义。
The title came to me while I was writing this script. For me, mercy exceeds the question of forgiveness. It has to do with empathy, with understanding others beyond any morality. It’s about reaching out to others. It’s an old-fashioned word that we don’t use much anymore, and it becomes the film well, its timelessness, and above one of the great characters in it, namely the priest.
Here, even more than in my other films, I’ve worked hard to cultivate the mystery. I’ve tried to get the viewers to ask questions and take part in the story. It’s the best way of avoiding boredom, and transcribing desire. Which, for me, is life’s great mystery. You realise pretty quickly that the hero stays here because he wants someone. Even if the whole thing is shifting. He himself is the object of desire. And I’m also very interested in the confusion that this stranger and his unclear intentions can bring. I like the fact that we don’t know who the villain is, and we don’t really know which side we’re on.
I reckon that the viewers of my films expect a few things from me nowadays; they can see more or less where I’m going. I’m well aware that I’m almost always working on the same questions, the same motifs, and I play with that, with what’s expected of me. But I also want to surprise, to surprise myself, to renew myself. Perhaps it was also time for desire not to end in sex. I don’t know if anyone’s said this before, but it seems to me that people used to film fights to avoid filming sex. In a sense, I’m going in the opposite direction. In any case, here, desire isn’t clear either, I’m not looking for resolutions, there’s also a main character who imagines things, and so must the viewers, just as I have (and still do).
There’s a real love story underlying the whole film. But there are hidden ones as well: Jérémie’s love for the dead man, and another one I won’t reveal here, as it would spoil the film too much. But it’s really about desire. Our hero is at the centre of this circulation of desire, and little by little he finds himself a prisoner of this village.