科洛·罗比乔德 Chloé Robichaud
2024|酷儿新声 Queer New Voices
Emma is a young conductor and rising star on the Montreal scene. Days of Happiness chronicles her complex relationship with her father and agent Patrick, who has maintained a devious hold on her since childhood. The possibility of an important position with a prestigious orchestra only raises the stakes for Emma. She will have to give way to her true emotions and make choices, both for her music and for herself, if she is to navigate her career and her romantic relationship with Naëlle, a newly separated cellist and mother of a young boy.
Director: Chloé Robichaud
Screenwriter: Chloé Robichaud
Cast: Spphie Desmara, Sylvain Marcel, Nour Belkhiria, Maude Guérin
Producer: Pierre Even
Cinematographer: Ariel Méthot
Genre: Drama
Length: 118 min
Year: 2023
Dialogue: French
Region: Quebec, Canada
Production Company: Item 7
科洛·罗比乔德 Chloé Robichaud
作为一名编剧或导演,科洛·罗比乔德的职业生涯已经颇有建树。2013年,年仅 25 岁的她的首部长片《莎拉宁愿跑步》入围了戛纳电影节“特别关注”单元的官方评选。更早一年,《乌合之众》也在戛纳电影节上放映,并获得短片金棕榈奖提名。两部影片均在多个重要的国际电影节上放映。2016 年,她执导的讲述女性政治家生活的电影《国家》入围了多伦多国际电影节,并在西雅图国际电影节上获得了著名的“新导演奖”。这部魁北克-纽芬兰合拍片拥有强大的演员阵容,包括马查-格雷诺(Macha Grenon)、艾米丽-范坎普(Emily VanCamp)、娜塔莉-杜玛尔(Nathalie Doummar)、伊夫-雅克(Yves Jacques)和雷米-吉拉德(Rémy Girard)。科洛还是网络系列剧《她/她》的创作者,该剧于 2014 年推出,获得了两项双子座奖,并在国际上流传开来。2020 年,她以电影《戴尔芬》重返短片制作领域,该片参加了威尼斯电影节竞赛单元,随后又参加了加拿大国际电影节,并获得最佳加拿大短片奖。科洛还从事过电视工作,执导过热门剧集《热带》,并因此获得了 2018 年双子座奖最佳喜剧导演提名。更值得一提的是,她曾执导过在 CTV 和 NBC 播出的加拿大热门剧集《迁移》。最后,她的第三部长片《幸福的日子》(Days of Happiness)于 2023 年秋季上映,该片讲述了一位女交响乐团指挥的故事。科洛目前正在筹备改编自魁北克人崇拜的新改编电影《两枚金牌》,剧本由凯瑟琳·莱热执笔。
科洛·罗比乔德出生于魁北克,目前在蒙特利尔生活和工作。她拥有蒙特利尔康考迪亚大学导演专业的文学学士学位(成绩优异),并于 2010 年获得了法国国际音像学院的导演文凭。
Screenwriter/director, Chloé Robichaud’s career is already well-established. In 2013, at the age of 25, her first feature film, Sarah Prefers to Run, was part of the official selection for the Cannes Film Festival’s “Un Certain Regard”. A year earlier, Herd Leader, was also screened at Cannes, and received a nomination for the Palme d’or of short films. Both films were screened at several important international festivals. In 2016, her film Boundaries, about the lives of female politicians, was selected for the TIFF, and also won the prestigious “New Directors Prize” at the Seattle International Film Festival. This Quebec-Newfoundland coproduction boasts a strong cast, featuring Macha Grenon, Emily VanCamp, Nathalie Doummar, Yves Jacques and Rémy Girard. Chloé is also the creator of the web series, Féminin/Féminin, which launched in 2014, won two Gemeaux Awards, and, exceptionally, streamed internationally. She made a notable return to short filmmaking in 2020 with the film Delphine, which was in competition at the Venice Film Festival, followed by TIFF, where it won the Best Canadian Short award. Chloé has also worked in television, directing episodes of the popular series, Trop, which garnered her a nomination for Best Direction-comedy at the 2018 Gemeaux Awards. More notably, she has helmed episodes of the popular Canadian series, Transplant, which airs on CTV and NBC. Finally, her third feature film, Days of Happiness, about a female orchestra conductor, will hit screens in the Fall of 2023. Chloé is currently in pre-production on a new adaptation of the legendary Quebecois cult film, Deux femmes en or, with a script by Catherine Léger.
Born in Quebec City, Chloe Robichaud now lives and works in Montreal. She holds a Bachelor of Arts (with distinction) in directing from Concordia University in Montreal and earned a diploma in directing from the Institut International de l’Image et du Son (L’INIS) in 2010.
导演阐述 Director’s Statement
I wanted to approach writing Days of Happiness with generosity, without setting limits and without fear of what I was going to tell. And I approached filming Emma’s journey with the same openness. I wanted to make a film that fully immerses us in the depths of what Emma feels so that we emerge from it with her, feeling lighter and freed.
It’s a film that required me to be attentive. To listen to the music, of course, which is a character in its own right in this film, but also to listen to my own emotions, to reveal in each character a truth to which we could all identify.
I am proud of this dense and intuitive film, for which I had only one ambition – to try and touch something sincere.