Director: April Lin
Screenwriter: April Lin
Cast: Samiir Saunders, Puer Deorum, Clarinda Tse
Producer: Obsidian Coast
Cinematographer: April Lin
Genre: Fiction
Length: 71min
Year: 2021
Dialogue: English
Subtitles: English
Region: UK, Canada
Production Company: None
故事梗概 Synopsis
(Tending) (to) (Ta) is a narrative-led speculative fiction film which follows an exchange of internal letters between two protagonists who imagine one another across parallel dimensions. Each communicating to an envisioned other, who exists as a possibility beyond their self-perceived boundaries of reality, these two beings meet in a shared world of imagination. In the film, April Lin 林森 casts ‘ta’, the monosyllabic sound which in Mandarin Chinese encompasses all third person pronouns, as an infinite cosmic entity with a proper noun Ta, who exists across universes and is present in all beings and matter.
导演介绍 Director Biography
April Lin 林森 (b. 1996, Stockholm — they/them) is an autistic artist-filmmaker investigating image-making as a site for the construction, sustenance, and dissemination of co-existent yet conflicting truths. They dream & explore & critique & fret & catastrophize & imagine & play with the potentials that the moving image holds — for a collective remembering of forgotten pasts, for a critical examination of normalized presents, and for a visualizing of freer futures as, of course, imagined from the periphery.
导演阐述 Director Statement
The film follows an exchange of internal letters between two protagonists who imagine one another across parallel dimensions. Each communicating to an envisioned other, who exists as a possibility beyond their self-perceived boundaries of reality, these two beings meet in a shared world of imagination. In this reciprocal reach for the unknown, a world that bears an uncanny resemblance to our contemporary reality – colonised by Western capitalist constructs of race, gender and class, and characterised by a collective distance from Ta – opens a portal to another realm.
Here the potentialities of rethinking identity and the coexistence of life forms have long since been expanded. Subjecthood is recognised as fundamentally ever-changing, porous and codependent, and the accelerated rhythms of alienating wage labour are entirely absent. Daily routines stem from the interconnectedness of all beings, and encounters with the surrounding world are choreographed into affectionate, meditative rituals that not only honour these intricate bonds but also strengthen one’s affinity with Ta.