Director: Elyar Tursun
Screenwriter: Chaoqi Li
Cast: Elyar Tursun
Producer: Chaoqi Li
Cinematographer: Zhang Peng
Genre: Short film drama
Length: 34min 25s
Year: 2022
Dialogue: Chinese
Subtitles: Chinese, English
Region: China
Production Company: None
故事梗概 Synopsis
Street photographer Sydn and his friend drove around the city. He wanted to take the “one last photo” to end his wanderings in a foreign land, although he didn’t know whether it was the right choice to go home. A friend took him to the place where he used to play as a child. In this place, his old memories emerged, and then something strange happened. Sydn, lost in his memories, finally pressed the shutter sometime late in the night.
导演介绍 Director Biography
Elyar Tursun is a Uyghur and a graduate student majoring in documentary creation at Meishi Film Academy of Chongqing University. He is passionate about creating images that focus on the identity issues of marginalized groups. He is also a street sweeper, but is not satisfied with still images, and is currently developing his own kind of unadorned and rough style of images.
导演阐述 Director Statement
A minority group in a society needs to rely on the gaze from outside when dealing with its own identity issues. When the self-worth is judged negatively with ethnic ties in a way that has never been done before, the damage to the individual is indelible. Then all he/she can do is to close himself/herself off, or even ‘imagine’ a ‘friend’ who can fully understand and support him/her in order to gain self-identity and to make sure that he/she have the reason and identity to survive in this society.
The role as a street photographer allows the protagonist to move beyond being a mere observer of the society. It allows audiences to share the protagonist’s intimate perspectives on society through his camera-lens and to dig deep into protagonist’s heart. The majority of this film draws on my real-life experiences, in which I often reflect on ethnic rituals and think into the identity problems in this society.