Director: Wei Zhou
Screenwriter: Wei Zhou
Cast: None
Producer: Wei Zhou
Cinematographer: Wei Zhou, Mitchell F. Gillies
Genre: Short film
Length: 7min53s
Year: 2021
Dialogue: English
Subtitles: English, Chinese
Region: Glasgow
Production Company: None
故事梗概 Synopsis
Resurface is a work that documents the fragmentation of death anxiety, traumatic memories, pain, love marks, bruises, and inscription. It is also a work about transformation and healing, transforming the pain to be pleasurable. Resurface in order to heal. It is about the experience of physicalization of the intangible memories and allows them to re-surface as visible marks, be it temporary or permanent. Through the intense closeness of the visual and distanced memories of the voice, the erotic oscillates.
导演介绍 Director Biography
Wei Zhou (b.1993) is a Chinese filmmaker and multidisciplinary artist currently based in Glasgow, UK. She graduated with a Master of Fine Art at the Glasgow School of Art in 2021 and previously obtained MSc in Filmmaking and Media Arts at the University of Glasgow and BA in Radio and TV Directing at Human Normal University. Her art practice encompasses video, photography, sound, and text. She often uses autobiographical voices in her work, whether realistic or imaginary, they often reflect on the topics of senses and eroticism. She has exhibited her work in various locations such as Glasgow, London, Changsha, Graz, and Hamburg.
导演阐述 Director Statement
This short film was originally inspired by Steven Sheinberg’s 2002 film Secretary, a dialogue from which stuck in my head for a long time; “Is it that sometimes the pain inside has to come to the surface and when you see evidence of the pain inside, you finally know you’re really here? Then, when you watch the wound heal, it’s comforting.” I collected the evidence of different kinds of body marks, wounds, love marks, bruises, tattoos etc., and used an autobiographical narrative to present it. Influenced by Laura U. Marks’ “haptic visuality”, I used a series of extreme close-ups to create a tactile experience, but also kept a spacious, pure auditory space for the audience. The writing for this short film is largely inspired by Georges Bataille and Yukio Mishima, specifically the “transgression” in their work. This carries through my interest in exploring queer theories as well – what is the so-called “norm”, and what “transgression” does in this context.