编剧:周豪 泰勒·希尔
主演:张雅杉 刘文博
制片人:泰勒·希尔 贝拉·塔尔
摄影:秦渊 李优
对白语言:中文 湖北方言
Director: Hao Zhou
Screenwriter: Hao Zhou
Cast: Yasan Zhang, Wenbo Liu
Producer: Tyler Hill, Béla Tarr
Cinematographer: Yuan Qin, You Li
Genre: Feature short film
Length: 10min
Year: 2022
Dialogue: Chinese, Hubei Dialect
Subtitles: Chinese, English
Region: China
Production Company: None
故事梗概 Synopsis
一男一女貌似一对夫妻。他们住在一起,却过着分离的生活。 一个宣传机器连接着他们的日程,引导他们朝着一个目标前进。
Appearing to be a couple, a woman and man live together but have entirely separate lives. Yet, their schedules are linked by a propagandistic program that guides them toward a single goal.
导演介绍 Director Biography
周豪,1992年生于重庆。2014年自编自导自演了首部剧情⻓片《夜》,该片在柏林电影节上首映,同时《夜》在日内瓦,奈良,南京等国际电影节赢得主要奖项。周豪先后参与了戛纳电影基 金会驻留,⻄宁First训练营,2018年东京天才训练营,以及2021年柏林影展天才训练营。 他最近的短片《无地自容》获得了48届学生奥斯卡金奖,并参展Frameline, NewFest, 和BFI Flare。
Born in 1992 in Chongqing, China. ZHOU Hao directed, produced and played the main part in his debut feature The Night, which premiered in 2014 in Berlinale. The Night also won top prizes at Geneva Independent, Nara, China Independent, Dong Film Fest, and others. Zhou refined his filmmaking at Cannes Film Festival’s residency in Paris as well as Xining FIRST Training Camp, Talents Tokyo, and Berlinale Talents. His latest short film FROZEN OUT was a Gold Medalist at the 48th Student Academy Awards and screened at Frameline, NewFest, and BFI Flare.
导演阐述 Director Statement
FUTURE FLOWERS reflects the realities of countless queer people in China. In recent years, state propaganda has aggressively urged young people to get pregnant—to produce the “future flowers.” Technology amplifies age-old oppression and norms, a situation that feels like a retro-future dystopia.